Morning Light’s Mission
To provide individualized, one-on-one, skilled Christian Science nursing care to those relying on Christian Science treatment with the expectancy of quick and whole healing.
Morning Light Staff
- Board of Directors
- Jane Hickson
- President
- Cynthia Miller
- Heather Bauer, CS
- Kit Taylor
- Karin Smith
- Secretary-Treasurer
- Jane Hickson
- Administrator
- Bonnie Castroman
- Christian Science Nurses
- Karrell Dowling
- Elizabeth O’Berry
- Phyllis Weil
- Office Staff
- Fawn Griffith
- Accountant
- Sarah Taylor
- Secretary
- Fawn Griffith
Sunbeams of Love
What’s New!? Get the update:
- Excerpts from 2014 Annual Meeting Inspirational talk: “Defending the Practice of Christian Healing,” by Emilio Castroman, CS.
- Meet our new Administator/ Director of Christian Science Nursing, Bonnie Castroman.
- Join us for a special meeting with President of the Mother Church, Linda Kohler, on April 25th, 2015.
- Morning Light achieves accredition by The Commission of Christian Science Nursing Organizations/ Facilities, Inc. Watch for our listing in the Christian Science Journal!
- Read about Morning Light’s Mother/Baby program.
- Meet our new Christian Science nurse serving Savannah and the Low Country, Phyllis Weil.
- “New occasions teach new duties…” (Hymn 258). Carolina Haven closes – Morning Light continues to develop its services in the Carolinas.
New Faces
Bonnie joined the team at Morning Light in April 2014
She brings 38 years of experience in the field of Christian Science nursing, including serving as the Executive Director of The Commission for Accreditation of Christian Science Nursing Organizations/Facilities, Inc. She was an instructor and Director at Arden Wood Christian Science Nurses Training School for 14 years and brings her love for education with her to Morning Light. “I love the flexibility and diversity of Morning Light’s model, and I enjoy working with the wonderful team of dedicated Christian Science nurses”, Bonnie commented, “I look forward to our upcoming visits to the area churches in 2015.”
Be sure to meet Bonnie at an upcoming meeting for your church!
Meet Phyllis Weil
Our new Christian Science nurse, based in Savannah, GA. Phyllis recently completed her classroom training in the Christian Science Nursing Arts Program at Chestnut Hill Benevolent Association. Her card is listed in The Christian Science Journal. Phyllis started as Morning Light’s Visiting Christian Science nurse for Savannah and the Low Country on November 1st, 2014.
Phyllis is ready-to-go with Morning Light’s “new” 2012 Sonata.
Call the Savannah Visiting Christian Science Nurse Service at: 912-398-3045.
After over a year of preparation, in November, Morning Light welcomed two members of a Review team* from The Commission for Accreditation of Christian Science Nursing Organizations/Facilities, Inc., to inspect our organization. They spent two days with the staff at the Lodge and in our office in First Church, Atlanta. As well as a thorough tour of the Lodge, which included inspecting the safety measures that our staff has in place, they reviewed official documents, policies, and procedures—determining how these measure up to the Accreditation Standards established for Christian Science nursing facilities and visiting services in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
We are pleased to announce that the Lodge meets all the requirements expected of Christian Science nursing facilities, as do our two visiting services. *
Directors of Christian Science nursing or Administrators, with significant experience, are trained to serve as inspectors on The Commission’s Review team. Accreditation by The Commission is sometimes a specific requirement in insurance policies for Christian Scientists. You may want to check your policy for this detail.
Congratulations Morning Light!
New occasions teach new duties
Carolina Haven closes – Morning Light continues to develop its service in the Carolinas.
Morning Light is arranging visits to include 61 Branch churches and Societies listed in the Christian Science Journal in North and South Carolina, as well as, Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia, during 2015. These meetings will include information about how Morning Light’s resources can assist individuals to receive proper care that supports their desire to rely on Christian Science treatment for healing. Watch for a meeting in your area!
Follow up workshops are planned to instruct church members who wish to serve as caregivers in their area, with oversight and supervision from Morning Light CS nurses.
Defending the Practice of Christian Healing
by Emilio Castroman, CS
……..(excerpted)…… 114 years ago, Mrs. Eddy wrote a letter – dated September 30, 1895 – stating that the By-laws of The Mother Church “…sprang from necessity, were impelled by a power not one’s own and as the occasion required …as a help that must be supplied to maintain the dignity and defense of our Cause…” Further, she states that they were essential for the demonstration of “genuine Christian Science.” (Church Manual 3:9)
Today we are considering how one specific by-law – Art. VIII, Sect. 31, entitled “Christian Science Nurse” – fulfills this purpose, maintaining the dignity and defense of Christian Science practice and the role each of us has in that important work.
To illustrate how this by-law helps to defend our practice, I would like to share with you an account that occurred several years ago.
My wife, Bonnie, and I were serving on the board of our community’s Visiting Christian Science Nurse service. At 3:00 one morning the phone rang. It was the visiting CS nurse telling us that she had received an emergency call from a woman who had fallen on the floor and asked if we could help to move the patient into her bed safely. Without hesitation, we told her that we were on our way.
When we arrived, to our surprise, the local Sheriff was just coming out of the home. Evidently, a neighbor was already aware of some sort of need and decided to call the authorities. But, assured that the needs were being adequately met, the Sheriff left. We were able to help the Christian Science nurse, and she continued to attend to the patient’s needs.
The poise of the Christian Science nurse, combined with her skills and practical wisdom as established in the by-law, met the needs of this individual and allowed her choice of care to be respected. Neighbors and authorities were assured that she was not being neglected, but properly cared for, maintaining the dignity of our Cause, and defending the individual’s choice to practice and demonstrate “Christian healing” without the interference of material methods.
This simple account has been a practical example for me through the years, of how this by-law, establishing an avenue for providing practical Christian care, maintains the dignity and defense of our Cause – and protects our practice of spiritual healing.
Christian Science nursing services and facilities, like Morning Light, have been established to support this complete expression of care—to enable the practice of this important by-law and all that it stands for.
Over the last 25 years, Morning Light has been a champion and a guardian for spiritual healing, by making available to its community Christian caring – for those seeking the healing and comfort exemplified by Christ Jesus.
Today, you and I are here because divine Love has called us to continue building and expanding this activity—ensuring the availability of this practical support from a spiritual basis for the present members of this community (and for future generations); and to consider how to defend this provision.
As I thought about Morning Light and your role as individual supporters, I saw each one of you providing “prayers in stone” – spiritual stones – supporting the mission and structure of the organization. Building blocks of your commitment to demonstrate spiritual love, to provide compassionate caring for one another. I felt your firm trust and conviction in the law of Spirit, based on the rock of Truth, cherishing the Scriptural promise and assurance of His salvation:
“…I am the Lord that healeth thee.” Ex 15:26
Mrs. Eddy points out the ultimate source of our authority, trust, and strength for this endeavor in her own words:
“Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.” (SH 494)
This Love comes into our lives in the form of a promise – that God’s love, reflected and expressed by his image and likeness, always has provided care, and always will provide care for each one of us.
We know Mrs. Eddy’s statement is far from just simple words of hope and encouragement. It illustrates the operation of divine law and how it works to bless mankind. It points out that the very help we need essentially starts by seeking God – turning to Him first.
Her statement reveals that every human problem has a complete healing answer – a solution in divine Love.
Divine Love says:
“I am the supreme authority that makes every eye to see, every ear to hear, every wound to be healed. I make all things new!” “Look at me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God!” (Isa 45:22) “I am the Lord” “…who forgiveth all thy iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.” (Psalm 103:3) “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.” (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p.494:10)
Mrs. Eddy’s statement points out three main elements:
- The understanding that divine Love is omnipotent and omnipresent – the only source of all good. This understanding helps us to realize that:
- Health is a spiritual quality – mental, not material.
- Those who are seeking health are actually seeking God, the source of all that is good and harmonious.
- Finding God is finding His love for us, His grace for us, His health for us. His kingdom, the reign of Spirit and Love, within us.
- It ensures that radical reliance on God, divine Love, is the Principle of all cure.
- Always (meaning without exception) thought is led to follow and trust God as the only power and presence.
- It tells us that there is no other physician, pharmacy, hygiene, therapy, or care needed but His. That He is omnipotent, omnipresent, supreme.
- “To rely on God is to bring our “All” to His altar for healing. To have one Mind, one power, one life, one reality. To have one perfect God and perfect man, — as the basis of [our] thought and [our] demonstration.” (Science and Health, 259)
- Understanding and demonstrating the statement “Divine Love meets every human need” defends the “babe” of Christian healing. Mrs. Eddy wrote: “In different ages the divine idea assumes different forms, according to humanity’s needs. In this age it assumes, more intelligently than ever before, the form of Christian healing. This is the babe we are to cherish. This is the babe that twines its loving arms about the neck of omnipotence, and calls forth infinite care from His loving heart.” (Mis. p. 370)
- As children of God, the spiritual nature of our being is already God-like.
- When we realize and know, and demonstrate this divine law—that Divine Love cares for all and each one of our needs, it establishes His divine government in our consciousness, and therefore in our lives. This brings certainty and assurance that is indeed our divine insurance –(already paid for)- of God’s unceasing love and care for us. (The Psalmist writes about this policy: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and forget not all his benefits.”)
- It protects Christian Science. Knowing this becomes our true immunity against anything that would try to limit our pure practice of spiritual healing. Christ, “the true idea voicing good” reveals to us our sense of completeness, our wholeness, and our health.
This simple statement of truth provides the promise of His care as the true healthcare plan for all mankind. Divine Love is the underlying impetus in caring and healing!
“The Rules and By-Laws in the Manual of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, …were impelled by a power not one’s own,….and as the occasion required. They sprang from necessity, the logic of events, – from the immediate demand for them as a help that must be supplied to maintain the dignity and defense of our Cause;” (Church Manual, frontpiece)
Morning Light Visiting Christian Science Nurse Service
When someone calls Morning Light they reach a Christian Science nurse who is prepared to help them find a proper response that supports their reliance on God for healing.
What can I call about?
- Ask for a visit from a Christian Science nurse;
- Discuss and ask questions about care already being given by a family member;
- Explore other options for proper care;
- Find out about available resources in the area. These are all issues Morning Light can assist with. Don’t hesitate to call upon the By-Law for the Christian Science nurse ((Art. VIII, Sect. 31) for support!
Morning Light Financial Picture

Mother & Baby Program
Morning Light’s Christian Science nursing ministry has always supported young families. One of the greatest ways is to provide support during the birth process. Our dear Father- Mother, Divine Love, is always present as its idea is about to make an appearance, and as the care of the newborn becomes the focus of attention. But it is calming and comforting, and strengthening, for a Christian Science nurse to be there as well. A truth quietly shared, a hymn sung or read, a practical adjustment to assist mom to a more comfortable position—is always much appreciated. And in the midst of a hospital room it can be helpful to have a friend who is specifically supporting the prayerful work of the practitioner and family as the event unfolds.
Our program includes three parts :
- meeting with the parents and creating a birth plan; on-going consulting, including sharing metaphysical ideas and helpful citations on the topic of birth, growth, development, etc., as well as practical ideas to prepare for baby’s arrival and comfort;
- appropriate support during the birth in accord with local regulations and state law; and,
- continuing consulting just afterwards for mom (and dad) to assist with learning to care for the newborn. It is such a delight for Morning Light to be a part of this special event—and to see the Divine law of harmony at work!
In the 2014 Mother Church Annual Meeting, we were invited to pray more deeply about the spiritual foundation of Christ-healing and to consider how Christian Science nursing can be a vital support. To support this invitation from our board, the President of The Mother Church, Linda Kohler, and Manager of Christian Science Nursing Activities at TMC, Caroleen Scholet, will be visiting the Atlanta area on SATURDAY, APRIL 25TH from 10am -12pm at First Church of Christ, Scientist, DECATUR. They wil join with us as we consider together how this spiritual foundation enables us to care for and nurture one another in our branch churches and community. ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND.